Learning Center
Our Learning Center provides communication, seminars, workshops and presentations in an effort to provide knowledge, promote the exchange of views and information, and fulfill our mission — to “improve, preserve and ensure the economic well-being of all members” in the Burger King community.
Don’t miss the biggest event of the year!
Our largest educational opportunity is the annual Summit — an exclusive chance to network with fellow franchisees, focus on franchisee-specific issues and celebrate Burger King! Attendees learn a variety of topics ranging from success in business, to the inner workings of the government to management and profitability techniques. Learn more.
Ongoing educational resources
Stay abreast of happenings in the fast-food restaurant industry, the Burger King franchise and much more. Search by topic. Learn more.
FLAME magazine
Fuel the FLAME by reading about hot issues that impact our business. Learn more.
Our Webinar Learning Series offers topics ranging from healthcare and operations to human resources. Learn more.
CORE Leadership Training Program
In this adaptive, train-the-trainer leadership program, 30+ certified instructors teach Burger King franchisee managers managers essentials for success. Learn more.